I am Hariharan Sivakumar

Application Developer,Web Developer,Web Designer,Frontend Developer,Freelancer, Software Enginner

Name: Hariharan Sivakumar

Profile: Software Engineer

Email: harishsivakumar97@gmail.com

Phone: +91-995-2650-591


Java/Spring 85%
C++ 75%
PHP 60%
Google Go 65%
Android/IOS/Native Dev 50%
Android Development 50%
Python/Django 40%
About me

Enthusiastic software engineer, with a lot of knowledge and experience in the computer field. Have developed a dozen software applications and have received high acknowledgment and support from colleagues and mentors for my projects.

Have also been awarded the best team award in 2016 while being the event organizer for my team. Have attended many workshops on Cyber forensics, python, web development and Android development because of my personal interest and passion towards technology.

I spend a lot of my free time by watching videos on YouTube based on technological advancement in our era, and how to develop it further. I am very keen on being of much help to you and being a helping hand in the process for the advanced computerized future.


Looks out for my service and fond of interest towards technologies.

Web Design

Responsive web design with new technologies of the era and mostly with the JS Driven front-end technologies Experience with good design strandards and developed some mockups in Zepline throughout the UI/UX journey.

Web Development

Experience with Web Developement in ReactJS, HTML5, CSS, Bootstrap, Ajax, Jquery, MomentJS, NodeJS etc., Handson experience with some of the best UI deisgn tools in the market


Exploring is one of the intrest, particulary in photographic, taken some of the good moments of the nature and passion towards different perspective of the views in the photography which makes to things life at a different perspective.

Pro - Engineer/IT Service

Developed some of the good design applications for myself and always looking forward to create application for an innovative thing. Irrespective of the domain always wanted to produce the best results and come up with the solution for typical problems.

Application Development

Experience in Application development with design modelling and domain modelling and freelanced with some of application development to neighbourhood and colleagues. Some of the application development platforms i used to work are Android Development, Native, Flutter, Web Apps etc.,

Backend Engineering

Worked with lot of backend technologies like golang, springboot, Django, PHP, and always love to work in backend. Always look towards the development and maintaining the balance of social excellence, environmental and excellene of my career.









Work Experiences

Work Timeline